Sunday, March 13, 2011


    This is a Remake of my previously uploaded video, added new videos and an extended version. You can check out the previous version by clicking here.

    Back in 2011 I decided to make a long distance fishing road trip which crossing a few states of Malaysia. It is the first of it's kind for me and it is also my first encounter with the Kijal Awana Jetty.

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    I never had a fishing trip that is beyond the Johor state until that year. As I was considered a greenhorn I made use of the experience that I gained in my past fishing trip travelling to guide me there.

    I began the road trip from Johor Bahru and en-routed the Jalan Kota Tinggi towards Mersing, it is a 150km drive through many steep corners and bumpy road. At around midnight I reached Mersing and as usual I took a break at one of the many Indian Restaurant here. I continued the journey towards Endau and then Pekan. At around 6am I reach Kuantan of Pahang state, I was worn off by the travel and decided to head for a rest. The best accommodation was my car as it's safe (I get to look after all my gears) and it's cheap (basically free).

    That morning around 8am I reached Cherating, found Club Med but was denied entry. Explored the area and found a peaceful spot. Some fishing were made here and I took the opportunity to regain some of my lost energy. 

    Nothing was produced there and I left the spot towards Terengganu that afternoon.  Along the way I stopped by a few places to do some exploring, no fishing was made and it's just for the purpose of scouting new spot. Eventually in my future trip at 2012, 2013 and 2015 I revisited most of the places I marked in my brain.

    3pm on day two of my journey I reach Terengganu,  a most Malay populated state and a very conservative Muslim place as well. Behavior and speech needed to be careful as I was told before coming here, yet it turns out that all are just rumors. A very friendly and warm place that made me felt at home, food are quite different from what I used to have at the southern part, other than that it is not as hostile as what other described.

    Many missed turns and lost of way here, it's the first time I came here after all. Call it fated or  predestined I came upon this place by error, the Kijal Awana Jetty. Upon reaching there I was stunned by the beautiful South China Sea and over at the far horizon there stood a majestic lone concrete jetty. Extending from the beach towards the open sea, it measure just 400 meter and it is not as wide as Bedok Jetty or Woodlands Waterfront Jetty at my home ground Singapore. What caught my eye balls rolling was the area surround it, the vast wide beach with only the Awan Kijal Golf Resort on the far left side (It is now called Resort World Kijal), this is a wild wild land with deep seabed and huge wave. I was so excited and began the fishing here, it ended with just a 500 gram of Diamond Trevally caught.

    The trip had it's closure on that night of the second day, although nothing significant was caught but I was very satisfying overall. Not only I get to see the many beautiful beaches along the east coast, I managed to discovered another great fishing spot like I discovered Air Papan in 2006 and I revisited the Kijal Awana Jetty thrice in future.

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