Tuesday, November 20, 2012


    Was out for fishing cum net casting at the Woodlands Waterfront Jetty which was restricted to public access previously, when the news of it opening to the public many anglers including myself went there to try our luck. I had been there fishing for a couples of times and so far nothing significant was caught. But I always went home without empty basket as the place is a favorite playground for Mullets, Greenbacks and many more small bait fishes, and I always went there with my cast net to get the fresh live bait for fishing.

The long wide jetty

    When I reached there I walked around along side the jetty and looked on to the surface of the sea, sometimes big barramundi aka Kim Bak Lor aka Siakap could be spotted near the jetty. I did a few attempts to catch them using my cast net but it's either I was too slow or they were too quick. After the recce done I started to cast my net out and landed only a few pieces of Greenbacks aka Tamban. Maybe it's still early I told myself and continued the hunt.
    It was quite unusual for the night as I didn't see many ripples or bubbles around the sea surface, let alone splashes. it was almost dead silent and I could only managed to catch ten Greenbacks with the net.

View from the front
The Eatery
     I walked all the way to the rear section of the jetty with the aim to get more bait fishes, bad idea as none was caught and just as I was about to walk further, a strong gust of wind out from nowhere blew on to the jetty, soon after that the sea became choppy and the temperature dropped, it was a disaster to do the net casting as the wind would mess up my net and causing my net to landed awkwardly into the sea, it was almost impossible to spread out the casting net. 

    The wind brought along huge rain cloud which covered the whole sky above the jetty, it seem like it was going to rain soon and I wasn't ready to get myself drenched, I hurried back to the center of the jetty where the Malay Eatery is situated, it would offer some shelter if the rain came.

    The rain never came and the sky gradually cleared up, the wind was getting weaker and eventually stopped. It was around 5:30am in the morning and I wasn't ready to go home, setting up my fishing rod with the Greenbacks that I caught as bait, I cast it into the sea and hoping to hook up a fish on the first light of the day. While waiting for the Greenbacks to be taken I continued on the net casting, had a surprised catch of three small prawns and a few more Greenbacks. The trip ended as one of the worst catch on net casting and my fishing rod was never tested either. 

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