Monday, March 18, 2013

    On 18th of March 2013 March I kept my promised and made it to the Kijal Jetty at Terengganu again, this is the Jetty I had visited over the last two years (check out the 2011 trip and 2012 trips). I decided to make the Kijal Jetty as my first destination with a plan B in mind if time permitted.

    My journey began at 2am from Singapore and it's a smooth ride through the custom at this hour, as usual I went to Johor Bahru to have my supper first and bought some snacks and drinking water at the petrol station while I doing the fueling up. 

    3:30am I left Johor Bahru to Terengganu with some 500km ahead on the journey, learned from the mistakes I made from the past trip I done some homework and found the shortest and easiest way to get there. 

    I would begin from Johor Bahru and entering the North-South Federal Highway, exiting Yong Peng and en-routed Jalan Labis towards Labis, this Jalan Labis is one of the heavily used route for some huge and heavy cargo trucks to transport goods up north, it was constructed to be wider and straighter and although it only has two lanes, over-taking lanes were added at some parts where the altitude are greater. From Labis via Jalan Segamat I headed towards the famous durian town, Segamat. Followed the Federal Route 1 and continued towards a place named Taman Yayasan, turned right into Lebuhraya Tun Razak and joining Lebuhraya Segamt - Kuantan then from Gambang I needed to enter the East Coast Highway towards Kuala Terengganu direction, I would have to take the exit to a town named Gebeng and then followed on to the Federal Route 3 towards my final destination, Kijal.

The Distance and Travelling time
    With the GPS guided map on my mobilephone I didn't lost my way and I recorded the journey with the Android Apps, My Track. The total distance recorded was 416.42km but in actual it was 464km according to Google Maps, with almost non-stop driving I managed to clock an impressive timing of five hours thirteen minutes and twenty-nine seconds only, it was a huge gain in time and distance compared to the previous trip which I spent almost 8 hours and 700km via Kuala Lumpur.

Fishing Rods and Net
Reels and Gaff
Cast Net, Kite lines and Bait Cooler Box
A total of 100 pieces of Tamban (Greenbacks)
    I brought most of my gears and prepared 100 pieces of Tamban (Greenbacks) which I caught from the Woodlands Waterfront Jetty as baits, they were packed separately into 10 packets with 10 pieces each.

Fueling up
Ammunition ready!
     Making sure the petrol tank was filled up and had the ammunition (Four packets of cigarettes and homemade coffee in the flask) ready as there's quite a distance ahead for the journey. I en-route the North-South Federal Highway of Malaysia towards Yong Peng and hopefully I wouldn't get lost.
On the North-South Federal Hughway of West Malaysia
Misty night near the Machap
Coffee break at Machap Rest Area
       Had my first "Renggit White Coffee" break at the Machap Rest Area, cold and quiet night and the coffee was extremely nice, it's my energy booster. 
Exiting to Yong Peng
Yong Peng Town
    I had traveled some 150km and it was around 5:30am, tired body and getting hungry I made another stop here at Yong Peng trying to find some food.

It look like a ghost town
On the street at Yong Peng
    It was a cold and misty night on the street of Yong Peng and I couldn't find any shop that was open, due to the nature's call and the street was empty, I took a leak near to the drain.... : P

On the road again
Pitch dark on the Jalan Labis
Towards Lebuhraya Segamat - Kuantan
   Continued my journey into the Pahang state, it was around 7am, been driving continuously for almost 200km, needed another break soon.

Found a Malay Eating house at Gambang
Super nice Nasi Lemak
   Pulled over at Gambang as my energy level was at the red bar, found this Malay Eating House opposite the University Malaysia Pahang. The hot steamy coconut milk rice was so delicious and the samba (Chili paste) was marvelous, I had two plates of it as the serving portion was so little.

This Over-head bridge is leading to the University
The University Malaysia Pahang
    The University is just right across the MEC Highway from where I was, this highway will meet the East Coast Highway at the north end.

The Journey continued on the MCE
Beautiful landscape 
 I entered the East Coast Highway which will lead me to Terengganu after replenishing my energy, another 120km to go.

Breath taking scenery
    Clear blue sky with literally no clouds, stretches of mountain at the far side surrounded by greenery, warm morning sun beaming on this part of the earth, the scenery and weather was a feast for your sight.

Towards the final destination
    The journey was a smooth ride as the road was mostly unoccupied and the throttle of my car was fully open, in less than an hour I was at the small lane leading to the Kijal Jetty.

Narrow lane from the main road
Almost there, turn left from here
    As my car slowly approaching towards the Kijal beach from the wind down window I could hear the roaring of the wave, the smell of the mighty South China Sea was getting stronger too.

The beach 
Perfect weather
My humble Kia Rio 1.6L
Can you see it?
There you are, the Kijal Jetty
   The jetty is still there, fences on the left side of the jetty showed sign of wearing off, guessed the ranger that guarded the place didn't bother to maintain it, rubbish was noticeable everywhere, it was cleaner when I visited here last year and here she is, the Kijal Jetty, sitting right between the Kijal beach and the South China Sea, enduring the onslaught from the strong wave days and nights.

The surging wave
Stunning view
Beautiful as always
On the Kijal Jetty
      Strong current from the deeper part of the sea pushed the wave towards the shore, washed the beach and bulldozed the sand inward, the retrieving wave formed a layer of white foam, mixed with greenish-blue sea water and contrasting the clear blue sky.

The wave
NorthernHardcoreFisherman at Kijal Jetty
    This was My third visit to the Kijal Jetty and I still feel great, the weather was at it's best this year although it's a bit hot, I still remember when I was here last year the sky was full of dark cloud and the gusty wind was stirring the sea, it created some huge wave which rocks the jetty.
Platform at the end of the jetty
It's wearing off
    The metal railings were slowly fading away due to the corrosion from the sea water, will they be here when I returned in few years later?

Stairway to Heaven?
The sea at it's clearest I ever see
    Right at the platform there are two staircases on both side leading down to the sea, it will be useful if huge fish is being caught.

Angler on the edge
    There is another smaller platform extending out further and is joined by a huge metal pipe, not sure what it is built for but anglers take advantage of it to launch their baits from there. From where I stood I did see a few large shadows roaming underneath it, couldn't tell what fishes were they though.Anglers walked across to that platform via the huge pipe, this guy was jigging for Selar (Yellowtail Scad) using the Sabaki hook set, was told there's tons of them roaming near the jetty.

Superb weather
The Kitchen
    Returned to my car and set up the portable stove to boil some water, I needed a "Renggit White Coffee"! As for my lunch I cooked 2 packets of "Maggi" curry instant noodles with two eggs added, Yummy!

"Maggi" curry instant noodles with two eggs
Join me?
    Although it was unhealthy, I was very much enjoying a puff after the meal with my favorite "Renggit White Coffee", The end season North-East monsoon breeze was gently caressing me, the splashing sound of the wave relaxed me. Man, this is paradise!

Clear blue sky
    I was so reluctant to move away from the chair and I dozed off for half an hour on that chair, while I was away the jetty slowly occupied by some anglers and they even parked their motorcycles on to the jetty. I decided not to join in the crowds and set-up my fishing rod on the beach right beside the jetty. I figured that maybe I would landed some monsters which came near to the beach for food.

Surecatch 13 footer 
Loomis & Franklin 10 footer
    I set up the Surecatch 13 footer and the Loomis & Franklin 10 footer fishing rods, the Surecatch was rigged with a Apollo Rig using size no. 1/0 J-hooks to target on bait fish, my old timer Loomis & Franklin was rigged with a long snood bottom feeder rig which targeted on the Stingray.

Waiting game
    It was approaching evening and the Sun slowly fading away at my back, this was the golden timing to hook up some fishes and I patiently sat on the chair hoping to see one of my rod tip would dip. I could see the anglers on the jetty were leaving and very soon the jetty was empty again. 

    Darkness arrived sooner than I could thought of, luckily I was well prepared with the headlight and a portable lamp, I continued for another hour on the beach and I gave up after nothing was caught here, I shifted onto the jetty for the second assault.

Loomis & Franklin on the Jetty
Surecatch on the jetty
    The pair were brought onto the jetty and I made some changes on the rigging, as the rod holders were tied vertically onto the railing and the rods were almost 90 degree straight up, the angle of the lines were greater too. I replaced a long snood top feeder rig on the Surecatch as for the Loomis & Franklin it was switched to an one up and one down rig. It is deeper here and the current is stronger as well so the leader was increased by one foot to five feet, hook line remained the same at four feet and the weight was increased to a size 6 instead of size 4 that I used on the beach. As I didn't manage to hook up any bait fish from the beach, I had to stick to my Tamban (Greenbacks) that I brought from home.

    It was getting darker and colder here with the wind picked up a few knots and the sea started to get choppy, still no sign of fish bite and I had been fishing for almost four hours. As I looked up to the sky I only managed to spot a few stars and the moon was so shy that she only shown a quarter of her face. Yes! it was a crescent moon which the night would be darker, fishes likes to lurk around in the darker spot hunting for food, someone ever told me during this day chances of hooking up a monster fish is always greater.

Coffee break on the Jetty
    While waiting for the fishes some guys from the nearby Awana Kijal Resort paid me a visit and they were not here to fish, probably they were just too bored at the resort or just having a stroll after dinner. I guessed it was my portable lamp that had attracted their attention and I was bombarded with almost 30 minutes of Q&A, (i.e. Where you come from? Why you fish alone? Any fish caught? Bla...bla...bla....) After they left I was almost exhausted from the drama and soon after that another intruder came knocking on my door, the sleeping bugs! It's time for an Energy Booster, the "Renggit White Coffee".

Call it a day
    It was five minutes before midnight and I was overtaken by the tiredness and hunger, I packed my gears and called it a day. During the past when I was out somewhere for fishing I always accommodated myself in my car and didn't really had a good rest. This year I decided to give myself a better treatment by getting a hotel and have a full rest. Most of the accommodation at Kijal here are resorts hotels and Awana Kijal Resort cost almost M$400 a night, I was not ready to part with that amount of money for a few hours of rest. I drove around the area searching for budget hotel and after the fifth hotel was not available I gave up and headed towards Kemaman hoping to get a nice cheap room there, I had my plan B which was sleeping in my car again in mind if Kemaman had nothing to offer.

    After few rounds at the Kemaman town area the lucky me managed to find this hotel which's not fully booked, I was left with no other alternative but to pay a price of M$88.20 for the twin sharing room as it was the only room left. I went straight up to the room and had a nice long shower, it was more than 24 hours since I last bathed, Yucks! I stink like a rotten fish.

Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng
Round 2: Roti Prata
Very nice curry
    After the shower I went to a Indian Eating House nearby to fix my hungry stomach, as I was starving I ordered a Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng (Coconut Milk Rice with Fried Chicken) and a Limao Ais (Ice Cold Lemonade), I didn't stop there and I had one Roti Prata Kosong (Plain Indian Pan Cake) and one Roti Prata Telur Bawang (Indian Pan Cake with Egg & Onions) with another glass of Limao Ais, another piece of fried chicken was added to the list. 

The Budget Hotel
Twin Sharing Room
     Although this was not a fancy five star hotel but I would gave it a three and a half star rating, the room was very neat and clean with almost new furnishing, bathroom was clean as well with no yellowish stain spotted, it had a working water heater and the water pressure was strong, I ever stayed in hotels that were having broken chairs, malfunction water heater which the water was like dripping off from the sprinkle. The most important element of a hotel room is the bed, I was very satisfied as it was soft and didn't smell bad, bed sheet was so clean and it looked brand new, best part of it, I had two soft bed to choose from.

Fully charged
Open car park next to the Hotel
    A good rest for me and I was fully charged for the next stage, my plan today was to explore the Kemaman but first and foremost I needed some food. The hotel did not have their own private car park and I was told to parked my car at the empty plot just beside it, fortunately my car survived the night without any window broken. The Kemaman town center is just a stone throw away from where I was, some Chinese Eatery were spotted there last night when I searching for room, I decided to get myself a Chinese lunch for today.

Roasted Chicken Rice with add-om Roasted Pork
   I am not very fussy on food and it is especially true when I was on the fishing trip, my top priority was to fill up the stomach and the choice of food should be able to provide me with high energy. I stopped at the first eatery I spotted and made a quick decision to order this Hainanese Roasted Chicken Rice with add-on Roasted Pork and extra rice, it was going to be a long day ahead and I needed plenty of carbo and protein.

Exploring new spot
Good spot? Any fishes there?
Under construction
Tired NorthernHardcoreFisherman
    The lunch was fulfilling and I was ready to go, hit on to the road again and saw this bridge on the Kemaman River, as I was passing by I saw a unblock lane beside the bridge which leading towards the river bank. I made a U-turn and went underneath the bridge via the narrow lane, this could be the breeding ground for barramundi aka Kim Bak Lor aka Siakap.

   Although it looked promising I didn't set up any fishing rod to test out the water, it could be the carbohydrate inside the chicken rice or I wasn't really fully recovered from the travelling yesterday I was feeling tired and sleepy. I went back to my car and took a short nap under this shady spot.

NorthernHardcoreFisherman in the car
    No time to loose! as Buzz Lightyear always quote in the Toy Story, after a short thirty minutes rest I returned to the main road again heading back to the Kijal jetty, decided to focus on the jetty for this trip and the weather was at it's best this year, Yeah! got to hook up some fishes today!
Towards Kijal
Nice weather
    I did have a plan initially to do some exploring on the far northern side on the state of Terengganu and might venture into the state of Kelantan as well, during the 2011 and 2012 trips I explored many places in Pahang and Terengganu which leading to the encountered of the Kijal jetty. Well, I still can go with that plan after the Kijal jetty, it is around 20km away from Kemaman and it took less than thirty minutes to reach there. 

Kijal Jetty again!
Gearing up
    It's around 1130am and the scorching sun was approaching to the center of the sky, I was backed at the Kijal jetty and not a single soul was spotted. I unloaded most of my gears for a full day assault on the jetty.

Transporting the gears
Round 2
It was super hot
    It took me two separate trips to transport all my gears on to the jetty and I changed my outfit thrice, it was really hot on the jetty.

Taking a break
NorthernHardcoreFisherman under the hot sun
     It took me almost an hours to bring up all my gears on to the jetty and I started to get disorientated as the scorching sun was trying to defeat me with it's heat.

Towards the end of the jetty
Finally it is done!
    The first thing I did was to set up the huge beach umbrella that I brought, it was secure on to the rusty railing using some zip tie, I rested on the chair underneath the umbrella for fifteen minutes to get some recovery, this was tedious!

Setting up the umbrella
Recovery in process    
Study the Sea
     I went up to the edge to check out the area and I found that the tide was on the rising, current was not very strong and the wind was weak. I drawn out a plan to had two rods set-up on the platform, the two of them would be attacking the left and the right respectively.

Unleashing the beast
The Loomis & Franklin 10 footer Spinning Rod
     I re-used the rig from yesterday night as the depth here is greater and the current would pick up the pace very soon as the tide was on the rising. The timing was almost perfect and hopefully I would land some biggie today. 

Assaulting the South China Sea
    While waiting for the first action I brought out my 12 feet braided casting net and tossed around the jetty, hoping to get some fresh baits from the local water, the fresh and local bait fish is always the best.

Here we go!
Let's get some baits!
Where's the baits?
The other side of the jetty
    It's quite bizarre that after numerous attempts from the end to the middle of the jetty I didn't manage to net any fish, I gave up trying after almost two hours of casting and focused on my rods instead, the tide raised to it's peak and still no sign of stripping fishing lines from my reels.

      In the afternoon groups of anglers came and some brought along family with children running and chasing around the jetty, motorcycles occupied part of the platform made the already small place became crammed, I figured that maybe it's time for me to leave.

     I started packing my stuff and while I was doing that, an angler came forward and ask, "Bang, going back already?"

    "Ya, no fish leh." I smiled back

    "Bang from where?" he asked

     Seriously? I was interrogated by the groups of hippies last night and now... again?!

    "I from Singapore, but my kampung is in Pontian, Johor." I replied him anyway

    "Oh! I from Johor too, Muar is my hometown." he seems like very excited on finding someone from the same state. Hmm... he was quite friendly though, maybe I could find out more from him about this place. Although I had been here for the third times but basically I had zero info on this jetty, anglers who frequented this place should know more on the species that were hooked up and the best season or timing.

    "Bang stay in Kijal here? always fish here?" haha, it's my turn to bombard him with questions

    "I stay at Kemaman, work at a oil company here. During my offday I will come here." the man said

    "I see, so how's the catch here? I heard others told me here got many monster fishes, true?"

    He grinned and said, "Ya, many biggies were caught here, I saw it with my own eyes!"

    "But I never had the chance to catch one yet, hahaha..." he added

    We chat for quite awhile and his friends joined in, one of them who's a local here told me that during the Sotong (Squid) season, many fishes came near the jetty and he caught a GT (Giant Treavally) weighed 6kg here. The season began from June to September according to him, which's quite the same at my kampung, Pontian, during the June - September Squid Season many Threadfin were caught there.

    Most of the angles left before the sun set and headed home for dinner, I done my packing and slowly brought back all my gears to my car, had a dry shower here and changed into new set of clothing. I left the jetty at around 8pm and after 3 nights and 2 days I was ready to go home.

The same old Malay Eatery
The same old food
    On the journey back home I returned to this Malay eatery to have my dinner. Yes! it's the same eatery that I came in 2011 and 2012, still serving the same Nasi Goreng Ayam. Wait for me Terengganu, I will return!

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