Thursday, March 15, 2012


    I was right on the weather forecast as the rain kept going through out the whole night, which gave me a very nice sleep too in my car. I woke up at 6:47am as it's still drizzling I lazying inside my car and was so reluctant to get up. It took me around thirty minutes to persuade myself to get out from my car and I told myself that I shouldn't waste time here.

The Chendor Reast Area

    Forcing myself out from my warm car seat and went for brushing up, the time was around 7:30am. It was freezing cold outside when I stepped out from my car but at the same time the cold air helps to chase away all the sleeping bugs.

    The place I was at is called Bandar Baru Chendor, it is located in the state of Pahang and is a stone throw away from the famous Cherating Beach, which is also where the famous Club Med is located.

    Made myself a cup of "Renggit White Coffee" and had some bread which I bought from Johor Bahru for breakfast. 

    While taking my breakfast I browsed through the old map which I bought in 2004 during my family holiday trip, with that map I was able to travel across most parts of the West Malaysia. That 2004 trip is the longest drive I ever recorded, it covered around three thousands kilometer from the southern part of West Malaysia, which is Johor Bahru to Alor Setar in Perlis, the furthest north and cutting through the Peninsular I entered the eastern part where I visited Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang, I ended the round trip at Johor Bahru after eleven days.

    With the help from the map and the Nokia map on my Nokia C6, I found a spot which looked potential and it is not very far away from where I was. So my first destination was decided and it was the Chendor Beach.

   On the above map you can see the marking and that is where I will be heading to. Noted that there is no decent path to access the spot.

    I figured that I would not be able to get any food once I am in the spot, although I still have some bread left but I decided to have a second breakfast at this Malay eating house. Ordered the Mee Kuah (Soupy Noodles) and a piece of Fried Chicken for side dish.

    The meal was delicious and the chicken was tender fresh, but it was cooked with too much of salt and soy sauce added. I needed two glasses of the Ice Lemonade to neutralize my taste bud. As my mother-in-law always quoted; She live near to the seaside, whenever the dishes she cooked were too salty. Which was very true as this eating house is very near to the seaside.

    According to the map the spot is located next to this Chendor Beach Recreation Park. So after the salty breakfast I drove to this place to find my way into the spot.

    It was a cool morning here at the Chendor beach as you can see the water droplet on the lively tree branches, the evidence of the overnight downpour was still visible. Although the rain had stopped but the rain cloud seems like wasn't ready to leave this area yet.

    I drove around the park but I couldn't find any path that could lead me into the spot, based on the GPS guided Nokia map pointed out that I was right beside it. I decided to come out from my car and explored the place on foot. 

    The first expedition was cut short as I saw a huge bee hive hanging on a tree, a battalion of bees were spotted guarding their fortress and as I was not sure if I could handle the attack, I decided to retreat back to my car.

     The second expedition looked promising as I found a small lane beside the beach and it seems like it is linked to the spot. 


    I followed the trail into this place, it was quite empty on the first glance and the trees looked organized. As I walked in further I was convinced that this place was once a recreation park which was built by the local government. Just like many other places in Malaysia where I had visited, abandoned projects could be easily spotted. For this place it was either lack of maintenance or it might have been abandoned as well.

    This Attap looks alike tree was spotted inside here, anyone know what is it?

    The expedition ended at this point here as you can see that thick bushes were blocking my way, as I wasn't prepared for this I had to called it off from here. I should have brought along my long machete to bash through this thick bushes.

    It was around 9:30am. The rain cloud started to fade away slowly. Warm sunlight began to beam down to this part of the Earth and the temperature was climbing upward silently. I was inside this place enjoying this peaceful and relaxing moment that Mother Nature can offer. Breezes from the South China Sea stroked the trees branches gently, creating a constant rhythm of branches swinging back and forth. The overnight shower had moistened the soil here and earthworms were sneaking out from their holes due to the lack of oxygen. Immediately, they were preyed on by the hungry birds that had been waiting patiently since early morning. Happy songs could be heard from the birds after they were fed. Greedily, I sniffed the fresh morning air. It is hard to find such fresh air where I am living as most of the time I have to suffer from the polluted air caused by the rapidly growing modern world.

    I reluctantly walked away from this place as I still had unaccomplished mission on my schedule. Got back on to this narrow mud lane I continued to explore with the help from my Nokia C6. 

    Backed in the year of 2007 I did a exploring trip in Tanah Merah, Singapore, in that trip I had learned something when you couldn't find the way to get in or get out. (I will backdate and blog about that trip in the later stage) 

    The trick is that when you are lost in somewhere and it seems like you are returning to the same old place again and again, do not panic and keep calm. Stop your car if you are driving and get out from it, sit down or stroll around without thinking of how to find the way, lid a cigarette and enjoy the moment. After the pause restart your journey and I guaranteed you that you will be able to get to where you wanted. By the way it might not work if you can not calm yourself down.

    Without loosing faith I eventually came upon this track and it is leading to the direction of that spot. Oh! For your information this part of the Earth wasn't shown on the Nokia map, lucky for me the GPS did track me and it did show where I was, which's just right at the edge of the mystery land.

     I decided to explore the place on foot as I didn't want to take the risk of having my car stuck in this No Man's land. What was waiting behind that darkness was unknown, there might be another thick bushes which would hampered my exploring again or some wild animals could be ambushing there and waiting for me to walk into their trap. 

    No predators waiting for me here after I went through the darkness, the path is clear but with a pot hole full of rain water in it. 

    The thought of driving through that pot hole arose as I saw tire marks on the ground. But decided to skip that thought as it was really not worth of the risk.

    As I walked further in I saw the opening. Sunlight could be seen and the sign excited me.

    Yes! I made it! Passing through that opening I was welcomed by this vast and wide beach, I knew that I had found the spot.

    This beach somehow is quite identical to the Air Papan Beach in Mersing, Johor. It stretches over an area of roughly ten football field and it's flat, from where I stood you can see that the shore line is quite a distance away.

    There is a stretch of rocks over at the far left corner and based on the map that is the farthest point. Anglers prefer to cast their baits around this kind of area as fishes like to make the rock their home. I proceeded the marching towards that spot without any fishing gears, I wanted to find out more on the spot before I decide what to bring. This was due to the distance and I had to reached the spot on foot. 


      The sand was getting softer as I approached towards the shore line and it was forming a tall sand bar which was blocking my way. Although it was not very steep but I had a hard time climbing over it due to the softness of it, my feet sank around two inches into the soft sand and extra efforts was needed to pull out my slippers. This tall sand bar was most probably caused by the wave. During the North-Eastern Monsoon Season the East Coast here has to endure the strong wind and high wave, this force might have pushed the sand inward and formed the higher sand bar here.

    Though it was tedious but I wasn't ready to give up and as I closed the gap towards the top, I could hear the roaring of the wave when it assaulted the beach.

    Yes! I made it! This is the spot. But the weather was not that good, wind was strong and the sea looked choppy.

    The sky was blanketed with rain cloud. Will it rain? At this point I could only pray for the strong wind to blow away those dark cloud.

    This spot is an extension from the small hill at the edge of this beach and over the years sea sand slowly covered up most part of the cliff, a perfect breeding ground for fishes was formed.

    I had walked around one kilometer to here and I wasn't sure if my car would be safe inside that jungle. But... why bother?    

    The sky brighten up as I explored the place. I became more excited when I found out that the wind was blowing out towards the open sea, this gave me a great opportunity to do the Kite Fishing. So after taking a few more selfies I returned back to my car for the Kite Fishing gears.

To be continue....

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